kids went back to school last week. We were sad to hang up our beach bags but ready to return to our routine and our sweet friends and teachers at school.
This school year, your kids may be heading out the door or heading back to school, the “homeschool room” or the kitchen table. Either way, they will still need support. So let’s chat about a few things to have on hand.

First, make sure you have some Thieves Hand Sanitizer. It comes in two sizes - the larger one is perfect to have in the house to use as needed (and to refill the smaller ones), and the smaller one is perfect for on-the-go use in the car, the bus, in backpacks or purses, etc.
Thieves Hand Sanitizer
- Kills 99.9% of germs and eliminates common, harmful bacteria
- Formulated with powerful essential oils and plant-based ingredients
- Lightly moisturizes with aloe vera and vegetable glycerin
- Leaves no chemical residue behind
- Contains no petrochemicals, mineral oil, parabens, sulfates, phthalates, synthetic fragrances, dyes, preservatives, or toxic ingredients
Next, make sure you have some Thieves Spray. This stuff is packed full of amazingness! You can use it at home on surfaces or toss it in a backpack or purse to be used on a desk or a toilet or anything else you might need to “Thieves” really quick!
Thieves Spray
- Cleans many different surfaces
- Contains naturally derived, plant-based ingredients
- Doesn’t require rinsing after use and has no harsh fumes
- Easy to throw in a backpack, purse, or luggage with its on-the-go size
- Safe to use around the whole family, including children and pets
Next, you need to have oils on hand! There are some incredible singles and blends that are known for their ability to create an environment that is conducive to learning. There are also some that will help encourage a peaceful and calming atmosphere. Both are perfect for the homeschool study or in a classroom setting. Apply these oils below to the back of their neck, top of their head, and under their big toes (connects to the brain) or allow them to inhale these oils straight from the bottle or the diffuser. Here are a few to grab…
- Clarity: blends Basil, Rosemary, Peppermint, and other essential oils for an aroma that invites a sense of productivity; Peppermint is traditionally known to increase mental accuracy while Rosemary is traditionally known to amplify mental ability and boost alertness
- GeneYus: promotes feelings of grounding; creates a sharp, fresh environment; excellent to use when children need to re-center during homework time
- Brain Power: a blend of essential oils high in sesquiterpenes - including Sacred Sandalwood, Blue Cypress, and Frankincense - that creates clarity and stability for an environment conducive to work or study
- Vetiver: great to diffuse in work and study areas because its diverse aroma helps create an uplifting environment
- Peppermint: has an invigorating aroma that is conducive to work or study
- Lemon: can be diffused to create an uplifting atmosphere
- Lavender: creates a tranquil, peaceful environment
- Valor Roll-On: features a spicy, sweet, positive aroma that inspires confidence and courage
- Stress Away Roll-On: has an inviting aroma that helps provide a calm and relaxing environment

Now that you and your kids have made it through the day, let’s talk about some things to implement during your nighttime routine this season. It’s so important that we ALL get good rest and support our bodies even while we sleep!
According to Rachel Dawkins, M.D., with Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, “Sleep is an essential part of everyone’s routine and an indispensable part of a healthy lifestyle. Studies have shown that kids who regularly get adequate sleep have improved attention, behavior, learning, memory, and overall mental and physical health. Not getting enough sleep can lead to high blood pressure, obesity and even depression.” Children ages 6-12 should get 9-12 hours of sleep a night. Children ages 13-18 should get 8-10 hours a night.
Establishing a consistent bedtime routine is important, ideally starting at the same time every night. Here are some tips to establish this healthy routine...
- Stop use of electronics/screens at least an hour before bed
- Read a short book or excerpt from a book
- Limit caffeine
- Take a warm bath
- Dim the lights
- Use your oils and supplements
You read that right - your oils and supplements should be part of your bedtime routine to help support you and your kids while resting. Here are a few to try...
- KidScents Unwind: a kid-friendly magnesium supplement that helps promote a calm state, reduces restlessness and eases occasional irritability and sleeplessness, and improves focus and mental clarity in the home and in the classroom
- KidScents MightyPro: a kid-friendly, great-tasting pre- and probiotic supplement that contains over 8 billion active, live cultures to support digestive and immune health
- Life 9: a proprietary, high-potency probiotic that combines 17 billion live cultures from nine beneficial bacteria strains and helps promote healthy digestion, supports gut health, as well as maintains normal intestinal function for the overall support of a healthy immune system (perfect for older children that can swallow capsules)
- Rutavala Roll-On: can create a peaceful environment with its earthy, grounding aroma
- Tranquil Roll-On: has a soothing aroma that creates a calming, serene and peaceful experience
- SleepyIze: creates a serene atmosphere and an aroma that helps you unwind at the end of the day, making for less fuss before bed
- Seedlings Calm: offers a sweet, calming, and soothing aroma - especially at bedtime
- Peace & Calming: a gentle, sweet blend of Ylang Ylang, Orange, Tangerine, Patchouli, and Blue Tansy - a perfect addition to a bedtime routine
- Lavender: has a tranquil aroma that is soothing to the senses; found in many blends including Stress Away, Tranquil, and RutaVaLa
So grab your diffuser and fill it up with your favorite sleepytime single or blend, take those supplements, and head to dreamland!

Before we end this class, I want to ensure you have some tips and tricks on handling falling below the wellness line. Unfortunately, it’s part of life. However - it is how our bodies learn to “fight.” According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, “Once the body has come into contact with a disease-causing germ for the first time, it usually stores information about the germ and how to fight it. Then, if it comes into contact with the germ again, it recognizes the germ straight away and can start fighting it faster.” This is why it’s so vital that we continually support our immune systems, especially if they have been threatened and are in a weaker state.
A detox bath is one of my favorite things to do when anyone in our house is showing signs of going below the wellness line. This can be a great way to help restore the body, thanks to the ingredients within. Himalayan pink salt removes toxins from the body through a process called reverse osmosis. It also contains very high levels of minerals - like magnesium, calcium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium, and zinc. Activated charcoal is also powerfully detoxifying. It also deodorizes, purifies, and is anti-bacterial. Add in the essential oils, a mix made with love that you and your kids will surely enjoy. Be sure to drink plenty of water after a detox bath to help your body replenish and stay hydrated.
Detox Bath
- ½ cup Himalayan pink salt
- ½ cup activated charcoal
- 3 drops Lavender
- 2 drops Frankincense
Combine all ingredients in a glass bowl or jar. When ready to use, add 3 TBSP to ¼ cup to a hot bath. Soak for at least 20-30 minutes.
After you or your kids have taken a soak, it’s important to oil up and use your supplements. Here are some great ones to have on hand...
- ImmuPro: provides zinc and selenium to support proper immune function along with other chelated minerals and delivers melatonin which encourages restful sleep by promoting the body's natural sleep rhythm
- Inner Defense: reinforces systemic defenses, creates unfriendly terrain for yeast/fungus, promotes healthy respiratory function, and contains potent essential oils like oregano, thyme, and Thieves which are rich in thymol, carvacrol, and eugenol for immune support
- Mineral Essence: a balanced, full-spectrum ionic mineral complex enhanced with essential oils, which can be added to drinks or taken in multiple vegetable capsules
- Thieves Chest Rub: soothes your family’s sniffles, coughs, and congestion with a powerful blend of essential oils and natural, plant-based ingredients; safe for ages 2 and up
- Breathe Again Roll-On: supports the feeling of normal, clear breathing and creates a cooling, soothing sensation
- SniffleEase: can be diffused or applied directly to chests or throats; promotes feelings of health and assists in releasing feelings of discomfort as well as inspires calm breathing
- TummyGize: can be diffused or applied directly on the tummy for an aroma that helps promote a comforting atmosphere, especially for tiny tummies
- DiGize Vitality: helps support and cleanse the digestive system; includes antioxidant properties
- Thieves Vitality: supports the immune system, cleanses the digestive system, and contains antioxidant properties
- Copaiba Vitality: can be used to support general wellness
- Lemon Vitality: has antioxidant properties, supports the immune system, provides circulatory support, and contains cleansing properties

School time brings a range of emotions - fear, excitement, uncertainty, etc. Some children fear jumping into a new rhythm with new teachers and friends. Some children are a little unsure about the challenges of entering a new grade. Some children are overly excited and have trouble channeling that energy into something healthy and productive. And some parents even struggle with sending their kids into a territory of “unknown” - whether that’s in a school or in your home.
- How will my child react to this new situation?
- How will my child feel being around these new things?
- How will my child handle these new experiences?
Our children need support in this area, and so do we! Do yourself a favor and gather your “oily supplies” and be prepared to handle anything that comes your way.
- Valor EO & Roll-On: features a sweet, positive aroma that inspires confidence and courage
- Peace & Calming EO & Roll-On: contains a blend of oils that are balancing, grounding, and relaxing
- White Angelica: envelopes the body in a nurturing aroma of protection and positivity that neutralizes negative energies and gives you a feeling of wholeness
- Stress Away EO & Roll-On: has an inviting aroma that helps provide a calm and relaxing environment
- Believe: may encourage feelings of strength and faith
You can diffuse these oils or apply them topically. You could even add them to some diffuser jewelry so your kids can enjoy them throughout the day. I encourage you to open some bottles and let your kids choose the oils that make them smile. Help them create a custom roller to keep on hand, one they can apply on their own. Try this recipe for starters!
Liquid Calm Roller
- 10 drops Lavender
- 3 drops Valor
- 3 drops Stress Away
- 2 drops Patchouli
- 2 drops Vetiver
Add oils to an empty 10 ml roller bottle and top with a carrier oil of choice.
Lastly, you could grab some Aroma Rings to use (refer back to the post from earlier) or a Nature’s Ultra Calm CBD Roll-On (comes in 300 mg or 600 mg strength). If you have never looked into the CBD available through Young Living, it’s incredible! The Calm CBD Roll-On creates a peaceful environment that will help relax and quiet your mind. It contains 0.0% THC as well as a variety of YL essential oils - Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Lavender, Orange, Vetiver, and Ylang Ylang. For more information on this CBD product by YL please visit this site for details.

Diffusing vaporizes essential oils and gets them into the air so that we can breathe them in. Young Living provides us with cool mist ultrasonic diffusers so that the oils are protected from heat and retain their original properties, too! Diffusing also purifies the air, makes your home smell good without chemicals, and helps get those awesome oils into your lungs and to your brain. Simply add your essential oil drops to your diffuser, add water to the fill line, and start diffusing. Try these awesome recipes to help you and your kids enjoy this school year to the fullest.
Homework Helper
- 3 drops Lemon
- 2 drops Clarity
- 2 drops Peppermint
Happy Kids
- 3 drops Geranium
- 2 drops Bergamot
- 2 drops Lavender
Daily Drops
- 3 drops Thieves
- 3 drops Citrus Fresh
Keep It Together
- 3 drops Peace & Calming
- 4 drops Orange
Be Brave
- 3 drops Stress Away
- 2 drops Valor
- 2 drops Idaho Grand Fir
- 4 drops Envision
- 4 drops Believe
These recipes could easily be turned into sprays by adding them to a 2 oz. spray bottle, along with a splash of witch hazel and distilled water. Let the kids spray their backpacks, stuffed animals, whatever makes their heart happy. Enjoy!

Making up rollers is so convenient and helpful, especially during the school year. Simply add the essential oils to an empty 10 ml roller bottle (which can be purchased from Amazon or other oil supply stores) and top with a carrier of your choice (YL’s V-6, fractionated coconut oil, grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, etc.). Add a fun label or some washi tape to decorate, and you’re ready to roll!
Breathe Easy*
- 2 drops Lemon
- 2 drops Lavender
- 2 drops Peppermint
- 2 drops Copaiba
Happy Tummy
- 3 drops DiGize
- 2 drops Peppermint
Rest Easy
- 3 drops Lavender
- 2 drops Roman Chamomile
- 1 drop Cedarwood
Just Chill*
- 4 drops Peace & Calming
- 4 drops Stress Away
Blinders On
- 5 drops Lavender
- 5 drops Cedarwood
- 5 drops Vetiver
Be Well*
- 5 drops Thieves
- 3 drops Frankincense
- 3 drops Lemon
*contains photosensitive oils

Thankfully, Young Living has a line of essential oils that are safe to consume, called the Vitality Line. They are the exact same oil as the “regular” bottle, just a different label to help you know which ones are safe to ingest. Not only are they backed by YL’s Seed to Seal quality commitment, but they are also all non-GMO certified. Try these great recipes if your kids are old enough to swallow capsules! If not, you can try them in drinks, yogurts, smoothies, etc.
‘Belly Buster’ Capsule
- 3 drops DiGize Vitality
- 3 drops Peppermint Vitality
- Carrier oil, if desired
‘Ucky-Yuckies’ Capsule
- 3 drops Thieves Vitality
- 3 drops Lemon Vitality
- Carrier oil, if desired
‘Keep Calm’ Capsule
- 4 drops Frankincense Vitality
- 1 drops Citrus Fresh Vitality
- Carrier oil, if desired
I mentioned earlier that NingXia Red is an incredible antioxidant drink and is packed with superfoods to support overall wellness. Try these easy and delicious recipes with your kids to keep that nutrition high.
Wellness NingXia Red Shot
- 1 oz. NingXia Red
- 1 drop Thieves Vitality
- 1 drop Copaiba Vitality
PB & J Smoothie
- 1 cup mixed frozen berries
- 1/2 frozen banana
- 2 T. almond butter
- 1/2 T. ground cinnamon
- 8 oz. unsweetened almond milk
- 1 oz. NingXia Red
Add all ingredients to blender and enjoy!
NingXia Red Gummies
- 1 cup organic juice
- ½ cup NingXia Red
- 4 T gelatin
- 3 T honey
- 4-6 drops Orange Vitality
- In a saucepan, heat juice and honey on low heat.
- When liquid is hot, add gelatin one tablespoon at a time. Use an immersion blender (or briskly whisk by hand) until gelatin is well-absorbed and thickened.
- Remove from heat and add essential oil.
- Pour into silicone molds and refrigerate until the gummies harden (about 3-4 hours).
- When firm, remove gummies from molds and enjoy! Store in a cool, dry place.

It is important to note that essential oils are not designed as a one-time use kind of product. They are PART of our wellness toolbox and are best utilized by our bodies when they’re used regularly and consistently. Most body systems take about 3 months of consistent and specific support to rejuvenate them. So use them every day; make them part of your daily routine and your kids’ routines. This will also help empower your kids to use their oils on their own as they grow and become adults.
Tips for Using Your Oils Daily
- Have your oils OUT and visible. If your oils are stored deep in a cluttered drawer they will be out of sight, out of mind. Keep them on a stand, a shelf, on a counter, wherever you will SEE them and use them.
- Label and/or organize your oils. Group them in similar colors or organize them alphabetically. You could even set them apart based on certain health needs you have.
- Make rollers. Rollers provide a quick, convenient way to dilute your oils and have them ready for application whenever you or your child has a need. Plus, they fit in backpacks, purses, pockets, anywhere! And they empower your kids to use them when they recognize their need for them.
- Pair your oils with other daily activities you’re already accustomed to. Set a roller by your toothbrush so you apply it every morning. Have a bottle of oil and a carafe of water sitting next to your diffuser on your bedside table so you don’t forget to diffuse at bedtime. Set rollers or sprays near the backdoor where you store your shoes or purse and use them on your way out. You can do this...get creative!

The way to get the best deal, is click this wishlist and add everything to your rewards order! I have a few tools here from Amazon that you'll want to grab too. Need help ordering? Let me know...I'm happy to get you all set up before the school year starts!
Happy Oiling,